Without stepping foot into the clinical environment, students may not be able to visualise the variety of clinical areas that they may later encounter.

 This digital learning experience aims to demystify such environments and ease student’s transition into their clinical placements.

Specific procedural and logistical knowledge will be gained by thinking about the patient journey as a whole, rather than discrete patient encounters.

Patient Journey is a digital learning resource that promotes active learning and the application of knowledge.

This video features a segment from the day case procedure patient journey digital learning experience. Select the play button to start the video. 


Drag the slider to view each screen


This learning module outlines a patient’s surgical journey, highlighting the healthcare teams:

  • preparation and pre-surgical tests
  • collaborations between surgical and anaesthetic teams in obtaining patient consent
  • theatre briefings
  • pre-anaesthetic protocols and key checks during the induction of the anaesthetic
  • WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
  • roles in the theatre setting
  • patient recovery and post-operative management
  • discharge planning and communication to the patient 

The Patient Journey module is available on the DGFT Medical Education platform.

If you’re an RGUC medical student on placement in our teaching academy,  or a resident doctor  working at The Dudley Group,  you’ll have access to this platform. Select the button below to log in to view the learning resources.